Invitation to the Light of Internet Expo of the World Internet Conference 2022 | September 25th to 28th

The World Internet Conference 2022 will be held in Wuzhen, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province during Sep.25-28 2022, by the Cyberspace Administration of China and the People's Government of Zhejiang Province. The Light of Internet Expo will also be held during the conference.

Webinar: M&A Transactions with Hidden Labor Risks in Italy - March 25th

Italy China Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to attend the following event organized by our member LCA Studio Legale. The seminar aims to give you an overview of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions in Italy and some guidance about employment issues in M&A transactions. While M&A tends to be led by corporate or tax lawyers, dealing effectively with employment law issues can significantly improve the chances of a successful deal. The importance of employment law and the types of difficulties that arise depend on the nature of the individual transaction, but a failure to adequately examine the existing rights and obligations between the target company and its employees can result in expensive employment claims, administrative fines, and other liabilities.

FánHuā Chinese Film Festival, il 4 e 5 marzo a Milano con il patrocinio della Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese

Venerdì 4 e sabato 5 marzo appuntamento con la miglior cinematografia cinese con FánHuā Chinese Film Festival, una finestra sulla Cina di oggi in una due giorni al Cinemino di Milano, con il patrocinio della Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese e della Fondazione Italia Cina.

Zhejiang International Import Commodity Fair 2022 | 16-17 agosto 2022

Zhejiang Broad International Convention & Exhibition Co., Ltd con il supporto del Dipartimento del Commercio della provincia cinese dello Zhejiang e in collaborazione con la Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese, organizza anche quest'anno la fiera: Zhejiang International Import Commodity Fair. La fiera, che si terrà dall'1 al 3 giugno 2022, ha lo scopo di implementare le importazioni, incontrare i bisogni dei consumatori per uno standard più elevato di vita e migliorare la collaborazione con fornitori internazionali.

Webinar "The Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan" - February 23rd, 2022

Following an unprecedented crisis due to the pandemic, Italy’s recovery and resilience plan responds to the urgent need of fostering a strong recovery and making Italy future ready. The reforms and investments in the plan will help Italy become more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the green and digital transitions.The reforms’ framework of the Plan, in line with the EU Country Specific Recommendations, aim to strengthen competitiveness, reduce bureaucratic burdens and remove constraints that have slowed down investments or reduced their productivity.

"Shipping 4.0: GENOA - CIVITAVECCHIA" - April 9th,10th 2022

Shipping 4.0 is a project oriented towards digital and ecological transition, research and comparison between companies, associations, institutions and universities. The project aims to promote innovative solutions in the Shipping Industry and to create a community that enhance the development of the industry in Italy and Europe. The event, organized by PROMOEST - a company specialised in events and meetings organization and our member - under the patronage of the Italy China Chamber of Commerce, will focus on innovation, sustainability and digital transformation in shipping industry. The meeting will take place on April 9th in Genoa and on April 10th in Civitavecchia. Partecipants could attend the event both online and in presence.

China Mobile International: Awarded “Best Mobile / 5G Service Innovation” and “Best Cloud Innovation”

The 17th annual Global Carrier Awards took place on 20 October 2021 in London alongside Capacity Europe as a live, in-person event once again. It is a happy reunion of wholesale telecoms for the largest industry celebration. China Mobile International was honoured to take home the Award for “Best Mobile / 5G Service Innovation” and “Best Cloud Innovation”. Under the market trend of cloudification and digital intelligence, “5G+AI, IoT, cloud computing, big data and edge computing” services are of great significance for business development. The two awards serve as evidence of CMI's capabilities and the industry's affirmation of our innovative business.

Digital To Asia: Al via M.IT.I.CI, il progetto di promozione digitale dei Musei Italiani in Cina

L’iniziativa, promossa dalla Direzione Generale dei Musei del MiC, vede la sponsorizzazione tecnica dall’agenzia di marketing digitale Digital to Asia, in partnership con Alipay. Nella prima settimana di ottobre si celebra in Cina la Festa Nazionale – nota anche come Golden Week – che commemora quest’anno il 72° anniversario della fondazione della Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Una festività di sette giorni, seconda per importanza soltanto al Capodanno cinese che, ormai da anni, è considerata una ricorrenza di notevole rilievo sociale ed economico per il popolo del Paese del Dragone in viaggio nel mondo.



Dal 28 giugno 2022 la Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese si è integrata alla Fondazione Italia Cina (fondata nel 2003), dando così vita a un nuovo ente: Italy China Council Foundation (ICCF), la più grande organizzazione in Italia a sostegno delle imprese sia italiane che cinesi. Per scoprire tutte le aree in cui operiamo, le pubblicazioni che realizziamo e per rimanere aggiornato su tutte le nostre iniziative ed eventi, leggi tutta la notizia.
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