China Mobile International: Awarded “Best Mobile / 5G Service Innovation” and “Best Cloud Innovation”

The 17th annual Global Carrier Awards took place on 20 October 2021 in London alongside Capacity Europe as a live, in-person event once again. It is a happy reunion of wholesale telecoms for the largest industry celebration.

China Mobile International was honoured to take home the Award for “Best Mobile / 5G Service Innovation” and “Best Cloud Innovation”. Under the market trend of cloudification and digital intelligence, “5G+AI, IoT, cloud computing, big data and edge computing” services are of great significance for business development. The two awards serve as evidence of CMI's capabilities and the industry's affirmation of our innovative business.

CMI is dedicated to providing agile, customized solutions to facilitate enterprises’ digital transformation and seamless and secure global expansion. With the concept of “integration” in mind, CMI has been working closely with 9 top-notch cloud service providers to create an ecosystem. Our mCloud platform offers flexible and convenient cloud network integration services that empower enterprises to expand business globally. By providing services of cloud connect, SD-WAN, multi-cloud, SaaS applications etc., mCloud supports all-round cloudification needs of customers. We have extensive cloud connections and application acceleration via more than 80 Cloud Connect PoPs worldwide, and established over 160 direct network-to-network interfaces (NNIs) with world-leading cloud service providers.

CMI is continually building a global network infrastructure to support the increased bandwidth demand driving by 5G and digitalization. We now have 180 PoPS worldwide, and 70+ submarine and terrestrial cable resources with international transmission bandwidth over 99T. Collaborating with 64 carrier partners to provide 5G NSA roaming services that cover 47 directions, CMI’s resources has formed a superhighway to ensure the capacity as well as service quality.

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